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Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Let me start by saying, DO NOT INSURE WITH CIB BROKERS!!

That being said allow me to explain.

It started with me needing insurance this season because the TD insurance I set up in October was really Fing expensive. After looking around for companies at the Toronto Motorcycle Show I decided to go with Jevco. Knowing nothing of insurance and insurance brokers I called Jevco to get set up. They were surprised I had called them directly, apparently they 'don't deal directly with the public.' They informed me I needed to call a broker from the broker list. So I did, and there I found CIB Canadian Insurance Brokers.
I called and gave them my basic personal info and they said they would contact me soon. A few days went by when someone finally called. Her name was J Seymour. She was not very personable on the phone. She sounded very sad and sorta run down, none the less I didn't heed the warning signs of potentially horrible service and gave her my basic bike info. I must have waited 4 days or so for her call before I called her and left her a message inquiring about how the insurance process was going. A few days later she called me with the quote and said if I wanted to continue the process to email her the bike VIN. Obviously I wanted insurance! How could she miss that fact?! I had made my intentions about getting insurance VERY clear from the beginning. I mean, so obviously clear that you'd have to be a complete moron to not understand that. None the less, she said that anyway. Later that night I emailed her the stuff she needed and the process officially started. I'm my email I had made it clear that I needed to be informed when I would have to make the first payment, because not all my money was in one account. Another few days pass and she finally emails me the paperwork. I looked through it and found several mistakes and written in information when everything else was typed up. I emailed her back informing her that there were several mistakes including my license class and birthday. She said it was fine and to write in the corrections. By now I definitely should have jumped ship...... I'll continue this soon....

Until next time,
'Live to Ride, Ride to Live'