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Sunday, January 23, 2011

My new CBR logo!

I was just chilling at work one day thinking about my helmet design, when I decided that I wanted a CBR 125 logo on it, but not Honda's. I wanted something simple and cool, with sharp lines and that was modeled off the 125. Once I figured out I wanted all that it was relatively easy to come up with a basic design.
I came up with this in about 5 minutes using paint.

After showing my buddy and girlfriend (who's 100x more creative than I am) I decided I needed someone who knew what they were doing to make this look the way I want it. From there I contacted a freelance designer on Odesk.com and told him what I wanted. I got this.

From there I consulted my buddy and girlfriend again and got two mixed opinions. One wanted 4 the other 2. Me? I just wanted something cool I could make stickers out of!
After the comments my creative girlfriend sketches up this.

I sent that to the designer and got this.

I picked number 2 then let my girl go to work! And this is the final out come!

Pretty sweet eh?!
Well I think so! I'll probably make stickers and give them away to anyone who'll take them. I'll also add this to my helmet design I'm working on.
If you look close, you can see the C B R with it. Ether that or Tron...
That's it! That's all the updates for now!

Until next time,
'Live to Ride, Ride to Live'


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