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Sunday, May 29, 2011

Burnin' Rubber

A few weeks back, just before the season really got going, I was still riding on my old tire Kenna came with. If you check her Picasa photo album there might be a picture of the original tire. But essentially it was toast down the middle. Even my buddy was shocked I was riding with it for the few hundred KM I did ride on it. I was literally as smooth as a table right down the centre line. I looked it up and asked around about why this type of wear happens. I'm referring to the centre being gone but the sides having a decent about of tread on them. From what I gathered it's from high speed riding in a straight line, AKA, highway riding.

Now that you know about my old tire, let me fill you in on the new one. I wanted a Perelli 110 but EVERY store in town was sold out. I kinda dropped the ball on that one... So instead I got a stock 100. It's nice, and anything is an upgrade for me! I went to Ted Rose of Rosy Toes near the HWY 401 and Weston Rd. Nice guy, very friendly and charges a reasonable rate.

To get the tire to him I took the wheel off the bike myself. I use a hydraulic car jack and a block of wood (jack was too short for the bike) to raise the back wheel off the ground and get it off. It wasn't hard getting the wheel off, but getting it back on took awhile! Make sure you give yourself enough time AND space to work. I was limited on space and was really cramped well reinstalling the wheel. As for procedure, it's pretty simple and is even in the CBR 125r manual near the back. Basically jack up the bike, let the chain tighters go loose, use a wrench on each side to loosen and remove the axle bolt, slide out the bolt and don't lose any parts! And NEVER apply the back brake well the tire is off!

There are a few photos in this post, more are in Kenna's Picasa Web Album on the left side bar.

Until next time,'Live to Ride, Ride to Live'