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Sunday, April 10, 2011

Start of Season 1

The weather is increasingly getting better as the days go by which means there have a lot of opportunity to hit the road and ride! I've been out a few times now and relearning the stuff from last year. It's not that hard once you're out there. It kinda comes flowing back, 'just like riding a bike' they say, although I don't think they were referring to this kind of bike.

Morning rides are my favorite, when no one is out and the roads are all yours and your free to work on different things, turning, leaning, riding position. Obviously if I'm I can expect to see other riders, and I do. People are really friendly, which makes it hard to always give a 'hey' when riding. Half the time I'm too focused on not screwing up to flip a finger as they ride by, but I do manage to get a few in there. All and all it's been a great start and I'm looking forward to riding with other people, instead of alone... But riding is riding and I'm glad I'm doing it, alone or with a buddy it's all good!

I've added some new photos the Kenna's Picasa Photo Album. It's the scrolling image link top left side of the page. Check'em out some are pretty good! IMO
Here's one of my favorites.

Until next time,
'Live to Ride, Ride to Live'


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