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Sunday, March 18, 2012

New Gloves from the Spring Show

March 18th Spring Bike Show in Toronto.
So I missed the other two shows (well I wasn't really interested...) but I got to go to this one with my buddy Adri it was small, but cool.

The custom bikes were sweet. There were some old ones I've seen before and some really nice new ones. The people who do them really spend a lot of time, money and effort on these bikes. It's quite incredible. I didn't get any photos.... Adri may post some on his site later.
There was one bike that comes stock that looks like a cheap café racer.

It has a little more power than Kenna, 18 horsepower and is a 250cc. But the top speed is 120km/hr. I don't know if the person testing it really wasn't trying, or of that's actually the top speed. I mean damn! Even Kenna hit 145km/hr once.
There were quite a few bikes, motorcycle mags and a few stores selling gear. I picked up a pair of new (cheapo) gloves for about $33.

They're pretty much just as crap as my other ones, but at least they fit better. 'If you think they're crap why did you buy them?'you ask? Price mostly....I'm really trying to save to go to Australia by September with my girlfriend. (no not Kenna) so I don't want to drop $100+ on gloves right now, but my old ones are too small and cut off the blood supply to my thumbs during long rides.

Anyway, seeing all of those bikes, and talking to the cool people at Motorcycle Mojo, makes me want to ride! Oh, side note I canceled my insurance, FREE FROM THOSE A-HOOO AT CIB MAN DID THEY SUCK!!!! Time for a new broker!

See you on the road!

Until next time,
'Live to Ride, Ride to Live'


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