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Monday, June 6, 2011

Want more HP? Try Rim Stripes!

Want more HP? Try Rim Stripes! They help your tires go around faster!

Well obviously they don't. But how cool do they look!?

After deciding on the Black/Green colour scheme from getting Charlie to the green LEDs, the next step for me was rim stripes. I bought these off eBay to save a few bucks, cause I was in no hurry and could afford to wait. But if you buy them local the price really isn't that bad for no wait time. I obvious went with K**i green. (I dare not speak the 'enemy's name lol) I have two things to say about applying rim tape before I post some photos.

1. Clean you rim REALLY well even as you go wipe them down to avoid taping over something. Even the littlest piece of dirt will leave a bubble in the tape.
2. IF you don't have much patience or are not very detail oriented, do not do this yourself! Get someone else to do it! (I mean a friend, don't pay for this job unless you have money to burn) I got my girlfriend to do it :D she did a great job, took her time and still got all four sides done in less than an hour.

If you look closely there are some wavy parts, but the tape wasn't cut specifically for my bike so it's ALMOST unavoidable, though if you try really hard or buy 'better' tape you might be able to avoid waves. They're not viable when standing back and looking at the whole bike, or even well riding so don't stress to much when applying them.

Here are a couple of photos, more are in Kenna's Picasa Web Album. Total Horse Power increase, 7+ (in my head lol)

Until next time,'Live to Ride, Ride to Live'


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