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Sunday, June 12, 2011

Grab your Snorkel we're going under!

Not that kind of snorkel! This kind!

The snorkel 'mod' is one that is still, on occasion, debated as to whether it does anything power wise and whether the 'deeper' sound is good or not. I've read people associate the new sound to a loud duck quack lol. That being said, my take on this 'mod' is, in the lower RPM range 4k-6k there is a definite more 'throaty' sound with a lower tone. At higher RPMs 7k+ to me she does sound more aggressive, more race bike like. Over all she is louder and even drowns out my music during some songs. For me it's fun for now. I'll probably get one too many headaches from it and put it back by the end of the season. But until then I'm just going to pretend she's bigger than she actually is and rev her at red lights just to be that much more annoying to the person in the car next to me on their cellphone.

To do the mod is simple;
1. Take off the plastic piece on the gas tank (4 screws)
2. Take out the Riders seat (1 bolt in the trunk at the back of the seat)
3. loosen the pivoting bolt at the back of the gas tank
4 Lift the gas tank up, front to back and use a bungee or friend to hold the tank up.
5. Pull the snorkel out using your hands or if you must take out the screws that hold the air box in place and then proceed to remove the snorkel.
6. Check the filter! Might as well replace it now if needed.
7. Lower the gas tank and tighten the pivoting bolt
8. Put all the bolts, pieces and screws back.

*There are pegs on each side of the gas tank that need to be pride out gently as well. See photos.

That's it! I've noticed a LITTLE higher RPM at idle, and to me it sounds like she runs richer, at least at idle. Total time to do this, 10-15 minutes... It's not hard at all and entirely reversible. You get used to the louder sound pretty quick and at higher speeds she sounds great!

Here are some photos of the job, more are in Kenna's Picasa Web Album.

Until next time,'Live to Ride, Ride to Live'

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