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Friday, December 31, 2010

I See the Light!

Wow, it's been awhile! (not like anyone is reading anyway...)

Yesterday I FINALLY received my LED lights in the mail! They look exactly as they should and I can't wait to install them and see how they look in the new season!
Basic updates, I missed the first bike show in December, stupid exams! But I'm going to go to the one in January and hopefully pick up some gear! Haven't spent much time on the forums or with Kenna due to the crazy work sked. Anyway, here are some picks of the lights!

Until next time,'Live to Ride, Ride to Live'

Thursday, December 9, 2010

My Buddy's new HD!

Last night I went on a little adventure with my friend Adrian (link to his site is on the left <--) to pick up his sweet sweet new (used) 2007 Harley Sportster! What sweet bike! Here's a clip of the bike being loaded and some photos!

Click here to view the video I made with iMovie of the HD on my iPhone

Pretty slick eh?!

Until next time,
'Live to Ride, Ride to Live'

Monday, November 29, 2010

Winter time!

It's been a few days since I finally got around to winterizing KiKi. But I thought I'd at least mention it.
It was simple, and sad. I took the back seat off to get at the single bolt holding the main seat on. From there all I had to do was left and pull back to get the main seat out. Once the seat was off taking the battery cover and battery out was very simple. And of course right before I did all this I add fuel stabilizer and ran the engine for a few minutes. I covered the exhaust to prevent things from moving in. Then reinstalled the seats and covered her up. I still have to decide if I'm going to try and raise her tires off the ground or just slide something under then or mover her a bit every week to prevent flat spots. We'll see... Here are a few pictures, sorry for the bad light, it was dark out by the time I got around to working on the bike.

This winter my updates will be few and far apart, but I'll post new things I get, gear and stuff for Kenna etc.

Until next time,
'Live to Ride, Ride to Live'

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I've heard I'd have to watch out  on the highway for wind when passing trucks, but I didn't think it would be a problem in the city with no trucks around! The other day I was riding to work, it was something stupid cold! and windy! As I would pass by side streets I'd get a strong cross wind that I've never felt it before. Being a cager for so long the only time I'd feel the wind take the car was at high speeds, never in the city. But wow! Do you end up riding with a slight lean that you have to constantly correct!
It wasn't hard, more unexpected. It was an interesting feeling. It just reinforced the notion that as a motorcyclist you're really as close to nature on a motor vehicle as possible! It's a great feeling and I can't wait till next year!

Until next time, 
'Live to Ride, Ride to Live'

Friday, November 19, 2010

Turn 15 into 14

I just received my new 14T front sprocket today! I'm going to wait until next season for the install but I hear it's a good upgrade. It looks sweet!

It was $24 with shipping from a guy in Ottawa which isn't bad. I also picked up a small clock weather thing from Canadian Tire to mount on KiKi as well.
The other things I'm working on getting are; the rear hugger, double bubble windscreen, DIY tail tidy and rim tape. I think that's most of it... Oh and a new rear tire and chain. That's it! Or at least it should be... I don't want to invest too much into this bike, I may upgrade faster than I think.

Still waiting on those damn LEDs.

Until next time,
'Live to Ride, Ride to Live'

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A Place to Sleep

So it's about to rain and Kenna has been put to bed in her new home for the first time!
I know there are no doors yet, it's clearly not finished. But, there'll be doors before the snow comes! This is where she'll be staying over the winter. Not heated but not bad :) Can't wait to take her back out after the rain!

Look how cozy she looks!

On a side note, I'm thinking I'm going to add blue (dark or metallic) rim tape next season. Make her look really good!
Also, I've started (and almost finished) the series 'Long Way Round' with Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman. Great motorcycle adventure story around the world! Too wicked! Watch it!

Until next time,
'Live to Ride, Ride to Live'

Friday, November 12, 2010

Friendly people

So I've been riding to school and work for a little bit now and finally I got to talk to another motorcyclist while parking. I say finally because this is one of the reasons I wanted to start riding in the first place! Motorcyclists I suppose may be more friendly because they realize that it's 'us vs them' out there. Or so I keep hearing. Either way, I talked to this guy for a bit, really cool guy nice bike! It was just small talk, but good luck small talking with another car owner in a parking lot or a riser on the TTC without seeming crazy!
Also, on my way home some next rider flipped my the ol' "hey what's up?" well riding! That was cool! I was going fast and tried to do it back but kinda missed so I nodded at him. I fully looking forward to next season! It's going to be too sweet!!

I'm still waiting on those LEDs....


Until next time,
'Live to Ride, Ride to Live'

Sunday, November 7, 2010

A Bunch Of Stuff...

I have a bunch of stuff to report on today!
FIRST - I rode to school (outside) for the first time on Thursday! That was really fun! Some cars drive close! Others are nicer and let you go ahead and keep their distance. Either way, getting on the road was sweet! After class i stopped by my buddy's place to tighten the chain and then we rode to my place. Riding with someone else is better than riding alone, it's much more fun! After that I couldn't wait to get back out there. Too bad it's FREAKING cold! But I'll probably ride to work and school a few times this coming week.

SECOND - I received my integrated tail light Friday! It's so sweet!
I haven't decided if I'm going to install it this season or wait.... We'll see, If I have time I'll install it, but it's starting to get pretty cold out and I don't want to freeze! But as soon as I install it I'll post photos.

Next thing is the black windscreen! I'm still waiting on those LEDs.....MAYBE this week, I hope.

Until next time,
'Live to Ride, Ride to Live'

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

She'll be on the road soon!

Two days ago I called up TD to inquire about their insurance policies because I buddy told me that you won't have to pay (much) to be insured for the winter months. For the year they quoted me $2288 lol F that! But from Nov-Marc it's $50... That's pretty sweet I'll at least be riding for November. I'll look into Jevco letter at the beginning of the new year.
After I got insurance I call Ted Rose owner and operator of Rosey Toes a bike mechanic shop in TO. He rode his late 80's BMW motorcycle to my place and certified Kenna on the spot! ($80. $50 if you go to his shop) the next day (yesterday) I took my insurance card and certificate to the MTO office as got a plate!! I put it on that night (looks good) and I'll have time to ride her to class on Thursday! I'm looking forward to it big time!!
Side note, I bought an integrated tail light for Kenna on eBay the other day.

Can't wait to get and install it before the winter kicks in!
(still waiting in the white LEDs...)

Until next time,
'Live to Ride, Ride to Live'

Sunday, October 31, 2010

M2 Course and Test

Well, I've just completed (successfully) my M2 riding course and I passed the M1 exit test! :D
I did it with Riders Training Institute (RTI) The teachers are REALLY great and they know their stuff about the great sport of motorcycling. I would DEFINITELY recommend taking the course with them to ALL new riders, no matter what your age. There were 20 of us, all great, nice, easy to talk to, and encouraging people, as most riders are. Now all I have to do is count down 61 days from when I got my M1 before I can hand in my test results and get my M2. About the course; besides being REALLY fun, there was a lot learned. They teach you everything from pushing the bike, to balance, to what everything on the bike does and techniques in riding, stopping and such. They had a few different bikes; cruisers, dirt, sport touring and of course, CBR125r. Guess which I rode? lol I did try all of them but inevitably I rode the 125 most of the time. I'd rather break theirs than mine. And break it I did! Only once! I was riding too close and the bike in front of me stalled and I ran into him. He was fine, my bike....well, the black duck tape came lose and then fender fell off. But more DT and she was as good as new! Other than that, and stalling 1000 times, there were no problems and I passed with regular colours!

Next up is insurance and plates. I'm going to call them soon and MAYBE I'll have Kenna on the open roads (legally) a few times before the snow comes in.

PS still waiting on those LED light bulbs... But the shed is more less done and Kenna's just chillin' inside tonight.

Until next time,
'Live to Ride, Ride to Live'

Friday, October 22, 2010

A place for an a**

The observant one would have noticed, in the my last post, the rip in the rear seat.

See that orange spot in the back?
Well I know that's ALL I've been staring at since she entered my life! That's why as soon as I officially transferred ownership, I scoured eBay in search of a suitable replacement. I was lucky! I assume, someone else's misfortune was my gain, cause the guy I bought the seat from was selling more than just that from his 125. Fortunately for me, no other 125 owner was looking for a rear seat so I bought this one for a loonie! Plus $15 shipping from Calgary to Toronto.

Here are a couple of new photos of the seat and Kenna!

Next up, an LED plate light and front accent light.

Until next time,
'Live to Ride, Ride to Live'

Thursday, October 21, 2010

A few things!

I have a few things to add, with the purchase came a Shark helmet and to protect Kenna from the hash Ontario weather I bought her a cover.

I'm going to pick up a better fitting helmet over the winter but for now the Shark one works. As for the cover, pretty snazzy eh? Take that dirt and rain!

Until next time,
'Live to Ride, Ride to Live'

My first bike!

Meet Kenna! That's Kee-nah she's a 2007 Honda CBR 125r only available in a few countries including Canada! And NOT including the USA. lol

Why Kenna? Well, it means 'one born from fire, is very beautiful' which I thought was fitting.
The start of Kenna's life is simple, she was foraged from the hot magma of the bowels of Mount Honda, in Japan. From there she was shaped to perfection creating a sleek nimble machine who can ride with the best of them! From the factory she's been handed down to two others before me, just as worthy and as skilled. Soon it will be my turn to unleash Kenna's ultimate power onto the unforgiving roads of Toronto Ontario. Though she's in immaculate condition, there are a few personal touches I must add before we become one on the street. Not only that, but I must prepare myself for the grueling 2011 season ahead.
I leave you with a photo of Kenna's 'death stare' one many cars and people will come to fear in the new year.

Until next time,
'Live to Ride, Ride to Live'